As soon as she was raised to the high position of the Virgin Mary, she went to a town in Judah to visit her relative Elizabeth. Hearing Mary’s voice ,Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and exclaimed joyfull “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.”
The visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a message of the presence of the Son, the Saviour in her womb. When Elizabeth greeted Mary, they were filled with the Holy Spirit.It was a marvelous gesture by God to fill not only Elizabeth’s heart with the Spirit but also the child in her womb.
The lesson we all can infer from the visit is to Rejoice in the Lord. Joy is different from happiness, because the only condition for joy is the presence of God.
The Lord wants to fill each one of us with the Holy Spirit and bring Joy in to our hearts. It’s the gift of God to all mankind to know and experience the presence of God and the power of his Kingdom.
Let us remember that God reigns within us in the form of the Holy Spirit.