The annual Persecution Trends report by the Release International, reports violent persecution of Christians in 2017. The report shows the concerns on the Christians living in the Asia minor. In Syria and Iraq the persecutions can arise from Islamic State (IS), it is Boko Haram and IS are targeting the Christians in North and Central Nigeria.
The growing religious extremism is considered as a threat to the Indian Christian Churches. As per the report, there had been 134 attacks on Christian communities or churches in the first half of 2016, which totals to the combined number of attacks in 2014 and 2015. Christians in Pakistan face widespread discrimination and abuse with respect to Pakistan’s blasphemy laws as in the case of Asia Bibi who remains on a death row for 6 years with the Supreme Court unable to find judges to consider her appeal. at the same time, the policy of Sinicisation that aims to make the Church somehow more Chinese in character instigates increased pressure on unregistered churches in China.
Hence it’s a wake-up call to all our Christian brothers and sisters to unite ourselves and take our prayers and practical support for our persecuted family to an altogether new level.’
Source: Release International