Quito: A joint notification of 434 human rights organizations from 16 countries around the world opposing major corporations campaigning for pro-abortion campaigns in the name of health care as part of the COVID resistance of governments in various countries. The joint declaration of The International Manifesto for the Rights to Life is an answer to the efforts of the United Nations and other pro-abortion organizations to promote abortion in the name of ‘health care’ despite the coronation crisis. A joint notification will be issued this week to foreign ministries in Costa Rica, Argentina, Peru, and Ecuador. The International Lifestyle is an acronym for the United Nations’ much-anticipated ‘COVID 19 Human Response Plan’ for Ecuador, the ‘Safe and Legal Abortion System’, and the joint declaration of 69 nations to defend sexual and reproductive rights in the COVID crisis. Martha Villafuerte, for Ecuador for the Family, responded, “Taking advantage of the situation and trying to get behind a crime that the Constitution forbids, is never acceptable.” Instead, nations and the international community should focus on a public policy that upholds human dignity, she added.