Mannanam: Governor Arif Mohammed Khan says that the work of Saint Chavara Kuriakose Eliasachan is a model for the world. The Governor inaugurated the 150th anniversary of St. Chavara Kuriakose Eliasachan’s Paradise at Mannanam KE School. Chavrayacharyan’s views on social issues such as education and women’s empowerment were huge. Chavarayachan’s contribution in both these areas will be passed on to future generations.
The more I read about him, the more my respect for him grows. The Governor pointed out that Chavarayachan had a great vision for the publishing industry when he started printing of timber. It was during the reign of Travancore that the Chavarayachan Church was erected and adjoining the mosque for all religious people. There was considerable opposition from the rulers. There was also a lot of opposition against the President who had been in charge of Chavarayaachan’s own education to strengthen education. But the governor pointed out that the church has grown to the level it is today.
The Governor said that it was a great pleasure to be able to participate in this program organized by the CMI and CMC congregations and bowing before the genius of Saint Chavarayachan. Thomas Charikkadan MP presided over the function. Mar Sebastian Vaniyapurakkal, Bishop of Syro-Malabar Church, said in his speech that Chavarayachan was a leader who raised a voice against untruth and immorality in Kerala society. Archbishop of Changanacherry, Mar Joseph Perunthottam, said that St. Chavarachain was a great leader who preached the message of equality all over the country. CMI Prior General Fr. Paul Achandy, CMC Superior General Sister CB.