Moolamattom: Four of the seven children of the late Thomman Eliikkutty married at St. Paul’s School, Wakakkadu, St Alphonsamma, in the third grade, was the fourth daughter of Elikutty Ammachi. The children, including Elikutty, were taught in the lower steps of the mosque and under the coconut tree. The school then became St. Alphonsa School. Even decades later, Ammachi has a hundred tongues on the teaching of Alfonsamma. Ammachi recalls the teacher praying with his head in his head before making a visit to the then Bishop Mar James Kalasery School in Changanacherry.
After many years of schooling, Guru did not diminish the discipline of his disciples even when he came to Mathrubhumi. A year ago, when a visit to St. George’s Church, Velliyamattam, the Bishop of Pala Diocese, Mar Jacob Murikan, visited his home, he presented Elijahkutty Ammachi with the image of Pope and Saint Alphonsamma. Elikutty, who is unmarried, lives in the house of Jose, son of the late Joseph Mariam, in Punnathani, Naralampuzha, Thodupuzha.