Rome: The Pan Amazon Synod that includes the Bishops of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guiana, Peru, Venezuela and Suriname began yesterday at Rome. The synod commenced with the celebration of the Holy Qurbana by His highness Pope Francis. He offered the holy mass invoking the fruits and the gifts of the Holy Spirit for auld Bishops attending the synod. He also prayed for the presence of the Holy Spirit to aid the synod intaking substantial decisions for the whole of Amazon.

The synod would emphasize on the evangelization methods that have to be brought about in the region. Bishop Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider had previously raised questions on the functionality of the synod. In the wake of such events, the world closely awaits the outcome of Pan Amazon synod. It is believed that 185 members from across Amazonia are attending the synod, which will conclude on 27th October 2019.



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