The Indian Archdiocese of Bombay has taken very much to heart the concern of the Catholic Church regarding the ecological crisis threatening the world, and is launching an initiative to make the Archdiocese a “Green Diocese”. His Eminence Cardinal Oswald Gracias, the Archbishop of Bombay recently issued a message announcing that the archdiocese’s “Green Diocese” initiative will be flagged off on September 1, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.
As reported by en.vaticannews.vaa, His Eminence Cardinal Oswald Gracias remarked that “The Church, ever alert to the signs of the times, recognizes the ecological crisis as a major threat facing the world today. Responding to this crisis forms an integral part of the Church’s mission. Both out of respect for God’s Creation and concern for those affected by its degradation, the ecological crisis becomes a moral issue for Catholics today. In the Encyclical “Laudato Si”, Pope Francis invites the Church to plunge into this mission of caring for our common home.” Further, His Eminence Cardinal added, “I would like the Archdiocese of Bombay to respond generously to this invitation of the Holy Father. With this in mind, I am initiating a process by which the Archdiocese will become a ‘Green Diocese’. This is a long-term initiative that needs to be developed over a period of several years. It would include a comprehensive approach combining Spirituality and Education with conscientisation.’”
His Eminence Cardinal Gracias concluded his message by encouraging “all in the Archdiocese to wholeheartedly embrace this mission which the Lord is calling us to.”
Source: en.vaticannews.va