Official Portrait

On 29th June 2017, Bishop Edward C.Malesic of the diocese of Greensburg, in his pastoral letter to the diocese notified the faithful to avoid the use of Opioid drugs and explained the harmful effects of this drug thoughtfully. Concern on the growing use of Opioids and its bad impacts, the pastoral letter reminds the faithful to stay away from Opioid crisis, especially targeting the youth of the country.

Bishop commented that “Our Christian faith compels us to choose hope” and thus promised the people to have a summer diocesan drug education evenings followed by a prayer service in order to make the people aware about the hazardous effects of this drug. Faith is the only weapon in a Christian’s armor, to use against such growing crisis which has the power to destroy the people. Bishop affirmed that the diocese should assist and serve the government in order to eradicate the evils of Opioids from the country as a whole and should stand in unity to fight against the growing crisis of drugs. He conveyed the rising concern for youth in the country who becomes easily addicted to such drugs and asked them to live in firm faith and prayer to withstand such temptations.

Bishop Edward C.Malesic gave out several guidelines to the parishes to keep the parish away from the growing crisis of Opioids in the country.

News Source: catholic

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