“A humble and meek servant, not a prince”, this is what a bishop should be according to His Holiness Pope Francis. Celebrating Holy Mass, at the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, he delivered a homily outlining the qualities of a bishop. The Pontiff took his cue from the Letter of St. Paul to Titus in the day’s Mass, that describes in detail the figure of a bishop, to bring order in the Church.
As reported by Vatican news, The Pontiff pointed out that the Church was born amidst zeal and disorder but also “admirable things” were accomplished. His Holiness Pope Francis noted that there is always confusion and disorder with the power of the Holy Spirit but we must not be afraid because it is a beautiful sign. The Pontiff outlined the definition of a bishop as a “steward of God”, not of goods, power, mutual self-interest but only the interest of God. The bishop always has to correct and ask himself, “Am I an administrator of God or a businessman?” The bishop, the administrator of God must be irreproachable – something that God asked of Abraham: “Walk in my presence and be irreproachable”. This, the Pontiff said, is the basic quality of a leader.
His Holiness Pope Francis also spoke about what a bishop should not be. He should not be arrogant or conceited, ill-tempered or giving in to drinking, one of the most common vices in Paul’s time, not a businessman or attached to money. He said it would be a calamity for the Church if a bishop had only one of these defects. Instead, a bishop should be able to “give hospitality”, a “lover of good”, “sensible, just, holy, master of himself, faithful to the Word worthy of the faith that he was taught”. According to His Holiness Pope Francis, a bishop, above all must be humble and meek, a servant not a prince. This, he said, is the Word of God. The Pontiff concluded his remarks by urging for prayers for bishops so that “they may be, or we may be, as Paul asks us to be”.