His Excellency Rev.Dr.James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima, had sent a letter to the Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI), requesting the faithful men and women of goodwill to pray for the leaders and people of Nagaland. Through the letter His Grace James Thoppil reminded the critical juncture and difficult situations the faithful in Nagaland encounters at present and asked the CBCI to pray for the State to God to bless them with enlightenment in the on-going darkness and uncertainty.
His Grace Bishop James Thoppil remarked that “I, on behalf of the people of Nagaland, in general and of the Catholic community in particular request your Excellency to request the Church in India to join us in prayer for God’s guidance.” Further, through the letter His Excellency reminded that “The Catholic Church in Nagaland is keeping August 15th, 2017, as a special day for prayer, on this day we would like to pray for all our leaders that they may be led by the power of the Holy Spirit to seek and find solutions to build up our society, strengthen our relationship and bring about reconciliation and peace among all people through the powerful intercession of Mother Mary.”
The letter also reminded to pray for all the stake holders and people involved in the peace process and dialogue to have a good health of mind and body, wisdom and courage to make decision that will bring about lasting peace and harmony, prosperity and development of the people in Nagaland.