His Holiness Pope Francis while addressing the faithful gathered at Casa Santa Marta conveyed the significant qualities of a good Bishop and reflected on what makes a genuine bishop, stressing on the qualities of watchfulness, closeness and being involved in the life of his faithful. Holy Father Pope Francis highlighted that a good bishop is one who is close to his flock, awake and watching, defending and confirming them in the faith.
As reported by Vatican Radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “A bishop is a shepherd who knows the name of each sheep, i.e. he is close to his sheep. The faithful can make out a bishop who doesn’t care much about them: a bishop who is always busy, who meddles in business, a businessman, one who is busy with things incompatible with his mission, one who is always going about everywhere suitcase-in-hand, or one with “guitar-in-hand”, and so on.” Further, His Holiness added, “The people of God really know that a shepherd is a shepherd, when he is close to them, when he is able to keep watch and give his life for them.”
Holy Father Pope Francis concluded his homily by urging the faithful to pray so that the Church may not lack good pastors, who work, pray, are close to God’s people and who know how to keep watch.