Vazhathoppu: Mar Mathew, the first bishop of the Diocese of Idukki, left the world with tears in everyone’s eyes. Funeral services held at St. George’s Cathedral Church, Vazhathoppu were attended by few people in the context of the COVID protocol. During a ceremony held at St. George’s Cathedral Church, Vazhuthoppu, Cardinal Mar George Alenchery broke down and wept.
He continued to pray, “May God rewards your efforts and hardships and the sacraments you have dedicated.” After a few moments, he was grieving with a warm heart.
The funeral services were held at St. George’s Cathedral, Vazhanthoppu at 2.30 pm. Major Archbishop Cardinal Mar George Alencherry presided over the function. Mar George Mathikkandam, Mar Joseph Kallarangat, Mar Mathew Arakkal, and Mar John Nellikunnel partook the services. Mar Mathew Arakkal gave a condolence message. Tens of thousands witnessed the funeral service through live streaming.