Caritas Internationalis is promoting a worldwide week of action to encourage communities to meet, get to know and to share a meal with migrants and refugees. The Global Week of Action(17-24th June) is part of the 165 member confederation’s Share the Journey campaign. The campaign is the Catholic charity’s response to Pope Francis’ call to promote the culture of encounter and was launched by the Holy Father in September 2017.
As reported by en.vaticannews.va, Caritas International president Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle remarked that “I see in them (migrants), people who are teaching us what humanity is all about, what it means to hope, what it means to be strong, what it means to love.”
The week of action will offer spaces and opportunities and events for communities and migrants and refugees to come together. Caritas organisations will promote meals, events and learning and sharing activities aimed at helping communities understand the causes of migration and break down the myths surrounding the issue with the ultimate aim of bringing people together to make communities stronger.