The Catholic Church in Goa is all set to revere and acknowledge Saint Teresa of Calcutta by organizing an international film festival titled, “Mother Teresa International Film Festival (MTFF). The films from different nations, based on her, will be showed from 5th to 11th of January,2017. This film festival, which aims to spread the message ‘Mother Teresa – the icon of Mercy’ is organized by the diocesan centre for social communications Media, Goa, along with SIGNIS India.
The aim behind this unique festival is to educate people about the works of Mother, to inspire them and to encourage them to spread God’s mercy by going against the wind. In a press statement issued by the Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media, Goa, on the film festival, “(necessity for the film festival) so that all may be inspired by her life to serve the society”. Indian film entries for the festival include “All for God’s love”, “Nirmal Hruday” reported by the web-portal ucanindia.
The Albanian-born saint, founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta in the year 1950 and since then worked amidst the poor, for the poor testifying that she did all this for the love of Jesus. In a world scenario where war has replaced peace, such an initiative by the church in Goa is sure to become torch-bearer of peace and love.