Mulanthuruthy: The meeting of the International Commission for Theological Debate between the Catholic Church and the Syrian Church of Jacob was held at the Jacobite Church Seminary. The Commission evaluated the unity and collective action that has taken place between the two Houses in light of the agreements that have been formed since 1971. The Joint Guidelines for both Parties were formulated on the basis of an agreement on inter-state marriage. The Catholic Church and the Jacobite Church decided to continue to work together at the local and international levels to overcome the difficulties and challenges facing the Christian churches around the world.

Given the growing cybercrime and addiction to substance abuse among young people, both parties have taken steps to create effective awareness and liberation programs. It is contrary to the basic beliefs of the Church to uphold the ‘nationalism’ within the church, ignoring the fundamental principles of the Church, such as universalism, unity, and apostolicism.

The Commission noted that it is desirable to resolve disputes and disputes among Christian churches through Christian love, through negotiation and reconciliation. The Archbishop of Kuriakose Mar Theophilos praised the decision taken by the heads of other Christian denominations, including the Catholic Church, to express the support of the Jacobite Church.

Archbishop Briar Farrell, who is in charge of the Pontifical Commission from the Vatican, and Kuriakos Mar Theophilos, President of the Ecumenical branch of the Jacobite Church, presided over the meeting. Thomas Mat Coorillos, Mar Mathew Moolakkad, represented the Catholic Church. Selvister Ponnumuthanan, Mar Joseph Kallarangat, Rev. Dr. Mathew Vellanikal, Rev. Dr. Rev. Xavier Koodapuzha, Rev. Dr. Rev. Jacob Thekkarempunil, Rev. Fr. Dr. Philip Rice, Rev. Fr. Dr. On Augustine’s passing, Fr. Mathews Mar Antimos, Adai Jacob Core Episcopa, Kuriakose Moolail Core Episcopa, and Fr. Shibu Cherian, Fr. In Daniel Thattara, Fr. Prince Paulus, Fr. Gregor Kolonnoor, Fr. Ajian George was also present.


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