Catholic Bishops in India will be meeting together at St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Koramangala, Bengaluru from 2nd to 9th February 2018, for the biennial meeting of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI). The theme chosen by the Bishops for deliberations is “I am with you always, even to the end of the ages” (Mat.28:20) UNITED IN DIVERSITY FOR A MISSION OF MERCY AND WITNESS. The theme in its first part basis itself on Jesus’ assurance that he will accompany his Church at all times and in all circumstances. This is what gives it strength and courage in its mission of service and witness to all humankind. The General Body meeting will begin on 2nd February 2018 with a solemn Eucharistic Celebration presided over by the Apostolic Nuncio to India Archbishop Giambattista Diquattro at 9 AM. Cardinal Charles Bo, the Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar will be the Chief Guest at the inaugural function. Cardinal Baselios Cleemis the President of the CBCI will deliver the Presidential Address and preside over the whole General Body Meeting.
The meeting is expected to focus on the problems and challenges faced by the Catholic Church to proclaim, preach and practice faith in the country. The Church has been one of the greatest promoters of unity in diversity. But groups and organizations wishing to promote cultural and religious nationalism are becoming bolder. Mob lynchings of people on the pretext of cow smuggling, cow slaughter or beef eating have created a fear psychosis in certain sections of the population. The killing of dissenting journalists, the recent mob attacks including an assault on a school bus full of children in protest against a movie are disturbing signs in our traditionally secular and largely peaceful society.
The Bishops will discuss how the Church can be the leaven in the dough so that all men and women of good will, cutting across religious, social and political lines can unite to preserve the secular fabric of the country and uphold the constitutional values. The Bishops will also deliberate on how the Church can continue to witness the love of Jesus Christ and selflessly serve the nation and will also highlight the solutions to avoid increasing problems and crisis faced by the marginalized sections.