“Be the heart of your countries, the artisans of their history, whatever the cruelty of the times and of men.”  This was the encouragement of the patriarchs of the Eastern Catholic Churches to their young people of the Middle East. “Faced with the difficulties and challenges you confront because of the situation in the Middle East and the haemorrhage of emigration that threatens your future and the Christian presence throughout the East, we stand by you and share your pain,” the Council of Catholic Patriarchs of the East (CPCO) said in a final message following its 26th meeting in Baghdad, Iraq, November 26-30.

As reported by Vatican news, The Catholic patriarchs urged the young people to “remain firm in the faith and in their lands” and at the same time to “contribute to the construction” of their countries.  “We are a small number,” the patriarchs said, reminding them of Jesus who said they were “salt, light and yeast” and were a Church of martyrs. “Believe and love as God loves all his creation,” they exhorted. “ Be strong believers in your love and builders of your lands of origin with all your compatriots, sharing in their suffering and sacrifice, to ensure prosperity and life.”

The theme of the meeting was “Youth a Sign of Hope in the Middle East Countries.” The next meeting of the Catholic patriarchs will be hosted by the Coptic Catholic Patriarchate of Alexandria in Cairo, Egypt, from 25 to 29 November 2019.