His Excellency Bishop Carlos Avilés Cantón said the government of President Daniel Ortega is persecuting the Church in Nicaragua and is not serious about the National Dialogue. The bishops of Nicaragua have agreed to write a letter to President Ortega, to ask whether he wants them to continue mediating the National Dialogue. His Grace Bishop Carlos Avilés Cantón, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Managua, said: “The Church always seeks dialogue, but there is no dialogue without the government wanting to participate.” At least 448 people have died in more than 100 days of protests against the government of President Daniel Ortega.
As reported by Vatican news, His Grace Bishop Avilés said Nicaragua is reliving the experience of 1980, when persecution broke out against the Church. The difference this time, he said, is that there is no war or economic oppression. But the government continues to manipulate the Church. Nicaraguans are united against the government, unlike in 1980. They are seeking justice, truth, and peace, and an end to the violence.”
His Grace Bishop said the government of President Ortega has held up the National Dialogue by refusing to be confronted with the political question. “The government,” he said, “refuses to see that the people want change and a new government.”