Mangalore: The main discussion point, on the third day at the National Youth Convention organized by Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM), was how the Catholic Youth need to be a change in life and part of the nation building. The session on “Catholic Response to Today’s challenges” (In the light of CBCI Statement) led by Dr. Raphael Thattil, Auxiliary Bishop of Trichur Archdiocese and the Apostolic visitator of the Syro Malabar Migrants in India, with Mr. Biju Dominic, CEO & Co-founder of FinalMile Consulting, Mumbai.
In the presentation, Bishop Raphael rightly shared his views that by 2020 India will be ahead of all nations and All the young people are the future of India. He advocated the youth that, ‘Catholic youths needs to take actions and make a change’ in personal life and in the progress of the nation. The nation, which has more than 45% of members are young, needs the vibrancy and enthusiasm of youth, to make her way to be one of the most prominent nations in the world.
The session of Mr. Biju Dominic was more oriented towards the personal life of youth. It was an occasion for the youngsters who gathered at the NYC, around 3000, to have a proper introspection. The session concluded by reminding the participants on the responsibilities in the nation as a Catholic youth and how vigilant one should be in the matter of adapting wrong cultures like pre-marital sex and other elements.