As North and South Koreas are preparing for their first summit in more than a decade on 27th April, 2018, the Catholic Church in the peninsula is pinning its hope on prayers for peace. The summit comes in the wake of former South Korean president Kim Dae-Jung meeting Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang in 2000, and Roh Moo-hyun doing the same by venturing out to the North Korean capital in 2007. Both of those summits ultimately led to nowhere.
As reported by asianews.it, Bishop Lazarus You Heung-sik of Daejeon remarked that “It is a very important, historical occasion. We, as the Catholic Church, are praying for peace in Korea, and we ask Our Lady to help us find the agreement, a path to peace.” Further, His Grace Bishop You added, “The Korean people rely heavily on the prayer of the Holy Father Francis, who is loved and respected even by Buddhists and atheists.”
The CBCK’s Commission for the Reconciliation of the Korean People is encouraging everyone to pray, and recite an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Gloria every evening, for the success of the upcoming summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in in Panmunjom, on 27 April.
Source: www.asianews.it