The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) Office for Labour and Workers India Federation (WIF) resolved to promote active and healthy ageing at the workplace in society and Church. This was stressed during a national assembly of CBCI Office for Labour and Workers India Federation held at KROSS, Bangalore, November 16 – 19.
As reported by mattersindia.com Father Jaison Vadassery, secretary, CBCI Office for Labour and director of WIF, said, “Human life is the gift of God and therefore ageing gracefully and productively should be considered as the right of every individual in society.”It is reported that 1/8th of the world’s elderly population lives in India. Due to financial compulsion most of them will never be able retire in the usual sense of the term and will continue to work as long as physically possible. Inevitably the ability to produce and earn will decline with age. The absence on savings and assets will result in sharp declining in living standards and consequential destitution of elderly work force.
WIF is the official Organ of CBCI Office for Labour which has 79 facilitation centres all over India. His Grace Archbishop Peter Machado of Bangalore inaugurated the workshop. His Excellency Bishop Alex Vadakkumthala, the chairman of CBCI Office for Labour presided over the meeting. His Excellency Bishop Jose Chittooparambil delivered the keynote address. Dr. Stephen Alathara Deputy Secretary General, Conference of Catholic Bishops of India spoke the words of felicitations. Dr. Joe Thomas a renowned social policy analyst facilitated the workshop.
Source: www.mattersindia.com