His Excellency Bishop Mar Thomas Elavanal of Kalyan Diocese shared his Easter greetings with the faithful and expressed his thoughts and message on Easter. In his video message, Mar Thomas Elavanal conveyed the significance of Easter and asked the faithful to stand firm in their faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Mar Thomas Elavanal remarked that “We are preparing to celebrate the great Feast of Easter. The central message of Easter is the message of hope. The life of every human person in this world extends from birth to death. But what happens after death? This is a question that has been asked by the people of all generations. The various religions in this world have been trying to give their answer and explanation about life after death. Easter is Jesus’ answer to this question for Easter is the celebration of the glorious resurrection of Christ on the third day after His death. He rose from the dead. Thereby Jesus teaches us that death is not the end of our existence but death is the golden tree that opens the door that leads us to eternal life. “ Further, His Grace added, “Easter is the proclamation that Jesus is alive and that He lives forever. All those who believe in Him too will not die but will have life eternal. So our faith in the resurrection of Christ and our faith in the life after death is basic to all Christian teachings. It is this message of Easter or this message of hope that we have to proclaim to the whole world. This message is that Jesus lives forever and that he who believes in Him too will live forever.”
His Grace Bishop Mar Thomas Elavanal concluded his remarks by wishing the faithful a very happy Easter and reminded them that “Faith in Jesus, the risen Lord is the only way for attaining eternity. This is the message of Easter.”