‘Thy Kingdom Come’ is a global prayer movement calling on Christians around the world to pray and to invite others to come to know the power of Christ in their lives. The initiative started two years ago as an invitation from the Anglican Archbishops of Canterbury and York, asking Christians to join in a worldwide period of prayer from the feast of the Ascension to the celebration of Pentecost. In a video on the specially dedicated website, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, invites everyone to pray, in the knowledge that God hears all those who turn to him in faith. The website offers lots of resources for churches and individuals in English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Kiswahili and Korean.
As reported by Vatican news, Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster, head of the Catholic bishops’ conference of England and Wales remarked that “Thy Kingdom Come’ is a prayer of longing, but also of hope and trust in God’s promise. To me, it is a very wonderful prayer where the harmony that is written into creation will be achieved and, in the meantime, we live with unease and pain and regret and great fidelity to the promise of what Christ can do and what Christ will do.”
Communities and churches around the world are coming together, between the Ascension on May 10th and the feast of Pentecost on May 20th, to pray that their friends, families and neighbours may come to know Christ and to witness to that faith in the world. The online resources also offer a wealth of video testimonials from people whose lives have been radically transformed by the power of prayer, in surprising and often secret ways.