His Excellency Bishop Mar Thomas Elavanal of Kalyan Diocese, shared his Christmas greetings with the faithful and expressed his thoughts and message on Christmas. In his video message, His Grace Bishop Mar Thomas Elavanal conveyed the significance and spirituality of Christmas and highlighted that Christmas brings with it great joy. Mar Thomas Elavanal explained that the true asset in one’s life is not in what he has but in what he is.

His Grace Bishop Thomas Elavanal remarked that “Christmas should be for all people, an occasion to rejoice because the message of Christmas is that God loves all of us, so out of love for us, Jesus became man identifying himself with the poor. But He preferred to be born in a manger as a very low state. He became the poorest of the poor that means that God has a special concern and love for the poor people.” Further, His Grace added, “The divine child in the manger has absolutely nothing even not a place of his own to be born. Through this example, Jesus teaches us that the true greatness of a person lies not in what one has but in what one is. God is the creator of all things but it is not anything of this world that can make him great. Jesus taught us that we are the children of God, the God who is the creator of everything.”

His Excellency Mar Thomas Elavanal reminded that the true greatness of every human person is based on this truth that we are the children of God and he emphasized that it is important to understand that it not one’s possession, position or power that makes one a great person. His Grace Bishop Mar Thomas highlighted that the true message of Christmas lies in the lesson what one is than what one has. He concluded his greetings by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a bright New Year.