Holy Father Pope Francis while addressing the faithful gathered at Casa Santa Marta reflected on the readings of the day and the central role of the Holy Spirit in the disciple’s life. His Holiness Pope Francis, speaking about the close-mindedness of the doctors of the Law in the Gospel of John, explained how their observance of the law became rigidity.
As reported by Vatican radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “The Acts of the Apostles (11:19-26) shows us the first disciples who were docile before what was new to them. That is the attitude which led them to sow the Word of God in ways that were not tried and true. They remained docile to the Holy Spirit and accomplished something that was more than a revolution.” Further, His Holiness added, “They put the Church in motion showing us that a Church can only achieve its balance like a bicycle—only when it is in motion. there are two contrary ways to describe a person’s reaction to the breath of the Holy Spirit: closure or openness. It is openness which characterizes the disciples and the apostles.”
Holy Father Pope Francis concluded his remarks with this prayer: “ May the Lord grant us the grace of knowing how to resist that which we must resist, that which comes from the evil one, that deprives us of our freedom.”