The self-effacing new Cardinal of Madagascar has said his appointment as Cardinal came to him as a total surprise. The Archbishop of Toamasina, Désiré Tsarahazana, one of the Cardinals created by Pope Francis on Thursday, said that he is cognizant of the responsibility that is now his own in Madagascar. The Archbishop of Toamasina was surprised that after his appointment, Catholics, people from different religious denominations, political parties, congratulated him but also expressed to him their concern for the future of the country. It then dawned on him that his new appointment carries with it, a responsibility that goes beyond the confines of the Catholic Church.
As reported by Vatican news, His Eminence Cardinal Tsarahazana remarked that “I feel a mission has been thrust upon me to comfort the people of Madagascar so that they have a little more hope in the future. People expect a lot from me. I wonder how I will respond to all their expectations, all these many desires. The Church must continue to be a voice for the poor and voiceless because the country’s politicians have misgoverned the nation for years. The Bishops will continue to raise concerns regarding the country’s socio-economic welfare, without necessarily being involved in the politics of the country.”
The new Cardinal also spoke about the challenges of his Archdiocese (Toamasina). He stressed that “Most of the difficulties stem from a general lack of infrastructure and roads. This makes pastoral work difficult.” Notwithstanding the challenges, the new Cardinal says “the Church must continue to encourage peace among citizens and as a Church live and proclaim the joy of the Gospel to all Madagascans.”