The Nigerian Bishops while addressing the country’s political and spiritual leaders at a conference on ‘Peace and National Development’, hosted by Veritas University, the Catholic University of Nigeria, conveyed the significance of truth in building up a peaceful nation. They highlighted that the Church’s intellectual and moral truth is the key to a peaceful, free and developing nation. The conference also emphasized on the growing roots of corruptions and urged the country to contribute their roles in eradicating the evil called corruption.

As reported by Catholic News Agency, His Excellency Archbishop Augustine Akubeze, Vice-President of CBCN (Catholic Bishops of Conference of Nigeria) remarked that “The leaders of our future must be formed with a mentality that only the truth sets a people free. Corruption will be eradicated if the students begin to learn that only money that accrues to a person as a result of hard work can be enjoyed.” Further, His Grace Archbishop added, “The dream of the CBCN must always be the search for truth.”

His Grace Archbishop Akubeze applauded the success of Veritas University in forming its students but challenged the school to strive further, until it becomes a reference point for other educational institutions. Nigeria is a country of 170 million people and has a Catholic population of nearly 23 million, according to the Pew Research Center.