Warsaw: The Polish citizens chanted the names of Mother Mary and Jesus Christ during the rally held on their independence day. They deem that the moral reforms in the country have come about only because of the Christian faith. Over a million participants crowded the streets with banners of the eucharist and placards saying ‘Long live Jesus, the King’. The demonstrators were also found singing Marian hymns during the rally.
The rally began from the Aljee Jerosolinsky street in Warsaw, the capital city of Poland on November 11th. The rally concluded at the National Stadium along the Poniatowski Bridge. During the rally many were found to knees down on the road praying and crying publicly, proclaiming their faith in Christ.
Independent March Association President Robert Bakiewicz described the impact of the Catholic faith on the country in an interview with a private television channel. Baciewicz said the Independence Day rally was indicative of the country’s return to Catholicism, and that the clergy must play a crucial role in maintaining the Catholic faith of the country.
On November 11, 1918, just two years before the birth of Saint John Paul II, Poland was divided into parts of Russia and Austria.