Holy Father Pope Francis while addressing the faithful gathered at St. Peter’s Square for the General Audience meet conveyed the significance of the sacrament of Confirmation and thanked a group of athletes from the Korean peninsula for their message of peace. His Holiness Pope Francis reminded that “Confirmation is an undeserved gift to be welcomed with gratitude, safeguarded with care and lived with docility allowing oneself to be shaped and moulded by the Spirit in order to ‘reflect’ the light of Christ in today’s world.”
As reported by Vatican Radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “As Jesus received the outpouring of the Spirit at his baptism in order to carry out his mission, the Church prays that we too may receive the gifts and the fruits of the Spirit that allow us to spread its message. Those who receive Confirmation take upon themselves the responsibility of renewing the promises already made by parents and godparents during Baptism. The gift of the Spirit is communicated through the laying on of hands and anointing with sacred chrism.” Further, the Pontiff added, “Christians, who receive an indelible spiritual mark through Confirmation, are called to reflect the light of Jesus in the world and to spread amongst men his message of salvation. Sealed with the Holy Spirit, we are configured more closely to Christ and strengthened to bear witness to him in our world.”
Following the catechesis, a group of athletes from the Taekwondo Federation gave a short demonstrated of their skills. His Holiness Pope Francis thanked them and said, “ I thank the Korean athletes for their performance, it was a manifestation of their desire for peace. It was a message of peace for all humanity! Thank you!”