Dublin: Two thousand memorial crosses have been erected on the walls of the Church of the Assumption of the Lord Church and the adjoining parish center in Dublin, Ireland, to commemorate those who died due to Covid19. The parish priest Fr. Established under the direction of Peter Byrne. The monuments were originally named “The Wall of Thousand Crosses and Million Tears”. The parish leadership says that many believers come to the wall and pray for their loved ones in the car.
Looking through a window on which the crosses have been placed, you can see that the Holy Qur’an is embedded in the sacrament. Patrick Hand and Kay Hand, the couple in the parish, are in charge of setting up the crosses these days. Every morning, from the Health Department, if they know the number of deaths due to the coronavirus, they immediately set up crosses. Patrick Hand said 70 to 80 crosses were to be installed a day.
He says his prayer is to return to normal as soon as possible. Fr. Peter Birney said. He added that no one would have any idea of people dying in different parts of the country. Fr is looking forward to the day when no case is reported. Peter Birney and parishioners.