“This is the road Jesus tells us to take”, His Holiness Pope Francis said in his homily , during Mass on the Second World Day of the Poor. That road takes us down to meet our brothers and sisters after we have spent time on the mountain in prayer with God. These words began the Pope’s homily which he delivered in St Peter’s Basilica in front of 6,000 of Rome’s poor and those who assist them.
As reported by Vatican news, At the “height of his success”, Jesus goes off alone up to the mountain to pray. He then goes down into the midst of the storm. Both of these actions, the Pope pointed out, go against the current: “He leaves behind success, and then tranquility”. Jesus’ followers are also called to follow the road Jesus “tells us to take: go up to God and come down to our brothers and sisters”, His Holiness Pope Francis said. The Pontiff added, “The cry of the poor daily becomes stronger but heard less, drowned out by the din of the rich few, who grow ever fewer and more rich”.
His Holiness Pope Francis concluded his homily with a prayer: “Stretch out your hand to us, Lord, and take hold of us. Help us to love as you love. Teach us to leave behind all that is passing, to be a source of reassurance to those around us, and to give freely to all those in need. Amen.”