Holy Father Pope Francis while addressing the faithful gathered for the Easter Holy Mass at St. Peter’s Square Basilica encouraged them to overcome their fears and to share in Jesus’ mission and message. His Holiness Pope Francis explained the meaning of silence and darkness that is been observed outside the Church at the beginning of the Easter ceremony.
As reported by Vatican Radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “Darkness and silence disorient and paralyze us. They plunge us into a crushing routine that robs memory, silences hope, and leads to thinking that this is the way things have always been. Amid this overpowering silence, it is the stones that cry out and proclaim a new way for all.” Further, His Holiness added, “Creation itself was the first to echo the triumph of life over all that had attempted to silence and stifle the joy of the Gospel”.
His Holiness Pope Francis concluded his Easter homily by exhorting the faithful ‘Do not be afraid for He is risen’ and reminded them that “these words should affect our deepest convictions and certainties. They should challenge us and encourage us to trust and believe that God ‘happens’ in every situation and in every person”.