Mary, the new Eve said “Yes” to God and thus brought a new era in the history of humanity. It was not an ordinary yes but it required Mary to be free from the stains of sin. So that she might completely and freely surrender herself over to the will of God.
The Virgin Mary teaches us, how to live our real lives in a real world! When the Angel of the Lord appeared, bearing the message and calling her to a special mission, she said “YES.” We must say “Yes” as well and believe that “nothing is impossible with God.” The decision is always up to us; we are free to say yes or no to God’s plan. If we do say yes to God’s plan in our lives, and try to co-operate with Him in the situations He presents us with, we have the possibility and privilege of spiritually bringing Christ into the world for others to see.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, was an astonishingly godly woman who was submissive, obedient, trusting, and loyal to God. She made the perfect mother for Jesus as she humbly submitted to the message of Gabriel, the angel, and did all that God had instructed her to do.
So let us intercede through our Blessed Mother, to guide us and give the strength to submissive, obedient and trusting other in our day today life.