Mother Mary was specially chosen by God, for being a part of the salvation history. Mary itself means “in the sea of distress”. She was so much worried and distressed on the Angel’s greetings as any normal woman would be. But when she realised it is a divine intervention and it is the Holy Spirit that is with her, she willingly and obediently said, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to Thy word.”
She knew that it would be a tough task to be the mother of the Savior of Mankind! But she said a big “YES”; a Yes to the exile to Egypt, a Yes to the humble life in Nazareth, a yes to the difficulties of being poor. Witnessing her own son’s public life and His persecution she must have kept uttering the words , “Let thy will be done.”
The basis of Christian life is the subject of divine will. This was evident in the life of the Messiah and the Holy Virgin Mary. Through people and instances, the Will of God comes to us, but do we realise that? If we understand God’s commands, the commands of the Church, the instructions of the superiors, and the lives of the living, we can do our best to serve God and our brethren.
Let us in a special way pray for all those suffering from cancer & for their healing let God’s will be done and His healing hands touch them…