‘Share a positive sign of the Church to your friends’. The simplest missionary activity a laity can take up is sharing the positive perspectives of the church. Nowadays, the church is being targeted and attacked time and again. As a result, the faith of the people in the church and outside is being hit from its base, strangulating its foundation. This turn away from the church and it’s principles are dangerous and has the might to kill the church. Therefore, the lay people are responsible to construct a firm, strong and well bonded the Church community.
While missionaries are partaking in their evangelical duty by means of selfless service in strange and new places, we have a chance of doing service to the church. This is through a verbal portrayal of the church and its nature and behavior. From today, let us believe in the unity and strength of the church, and let us exhibit our steadfast love and trust in the church by portraying a positive image of the church to our friends.


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