An angel of the Lord appeared in the dream to Joseph and said, “Herod will be looking for the Child in order to kill him. So, get up and take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt and stay there until I tell you to leave”. This was done to make what the Lord has said through the prophet come true, “I call my son out of Egypt”. (Mathew 2:13-14)
When the three wise men from the east informed Herod of the birth of the king in Bethlehem, he sent forth and put to death all male children in that town and in all its districts, from two years old and under.
Joseph complied with the angel and a donkey was fetched for the gentle mother to ride while carrying her new born child. They set out from Bethlehem on their predestined journey into the untracked paths of wilderness. Such a difficulty was filled with danger every step of the way. In their escape, from the infanticide fury of King Herod, the Holy Family, had to avoid the well-travelled roads. They followed un known paths guided by God and his angel. They picked their way day after day through hidden valleys and across and unchartered plateaus in the then rugged waste lands of Sinai. They endured the scorching heat of the sun by day and the bitter cold of the desert by night. All fears of the young mother for her infant were calmed by the faith that infused her with His birth especially when she experienced how they were preserved from the threats of wild beasts and savage tribesmen and how their daily sustenance was miraculously provided.
Let us also pray to have faith like Blessed Mother in the Lord to undergo the endurance and submit ourselves to the lord with the same faith.