The role of Mary, the mother of Jesus in His ministry was that she was part of those who Jesus came to “seek and to save”
There is an incident at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry that sheds light upon the role of Mary the mother of Jesus in His ministry. The only place we read about this incident is in the gospel of John. The context is at a marriage celebration in Cana.
After recalling Mary’s intervention at the wedding feast of Cana, the Second Vatican Council emphasizes her participation in the public life of Jesus.
Mary faithfully put Jesus’ words into practice
We can imagine that, although she did not follow Jesus on his missionary journey, she was informed of her Son’s apostolic activities, lovingly and anxiously receiving news of his preaching from the lips of those who had met him.
The Blessed Virgin thus becomes a model for those who accept Christ’s words. Believing in the divine message since the Annunciation and fully supporting the Person of the Son, she teaches us to listen to the Saviour with trust, to discover in him the divine Word who transforms and renews our life. Her experience also encourages us to accept the trials and suffering that come from fidelity to Christ, keeping our gaze fixed on the happiness Jesus promised those who listen to him and keep his word.