Mother Mary has a special place in our hearts. She received the extraordinary Holy gift of being the mother of our Lord. The blessings are seen in bearing and believing in the Son, Jesus Christ our Saviour. The blessing bestowed on Mother Mary made her to care and keep the Word of God. God gave Mary a completely unique calling and she was submissive to it.
We can see various instances in the Bible, where the Virgin Mary represents strength of godliness, maternal instincts and perseverance. She also personifies holiness, piety, humbleness and trust. Like Mother Mary it is important that each of us portray these qualities in our day to day life.
Through the blessings and powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary, to her Son Jesus Christ, each of us are saved in our everyday walk of life. Let us understand that FAITH was the most important aspect by which God dwells in Mary and it is the same way He dwells in all His children on earth.
The blessings given to Mother Mary assures us that God showers His greatest blessings on those who believes in Him.