“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but the woman who fears the Lord is to be praised for generations” – Proverbs 31:30
Just as Mary was chosen by the Almighty to bring the Son of God into this world, He also chose Joseph to be her partner and companion. St. Joseph was an honest and good hearted man – he was just a poor carpenter, who agreed to get into a union with Mary, despite knowing her Divinity.
When God prepared Mary to become Joseph’s companion, she did not question Him. Mother Mary did not think twice but had faith in the Lord and agreed to do accordingly. And thereon they lived a spiritual life as an example to the modern couples; said to have faith, understanding and respect for each other.
Marriages are truly made in heaven. God has plans for each one of us. It is only when we realise it, accept it and live with faith, that miracles happen.