On the occasion of the feast of Mother Mary during the month of October, the Powai Forane Youth under the spiritual leadership of the Powai Key Army organized a Rosary Rally on the 8th October, 2017. The aim of this Rally was to bring together all the young and spiritually vibrant youth of Powai Forane for a day of prayer and worship, dedicating it to Mama Mary.
Del Rosario Rally
To Jesus… Through Mary
The Rally which was attended by close to 100 youth began at 2.30pm at St Joseph’s Church Powai with a session of adoration and proceeded to five churches in the Powai Forane praying the Holy Rosary at each church. A procession was held between churches, with the youth carrying the statue of Mother Mary and a beautifully hand-made larger version of the Holy Rosary. Few moments at each church were spent in adoration, praying about issues our Catholic youth faces in the present day and age. Every church had prayers and moments of reflection about topics such as substance abuse, inter-religious marriage, abortions, chastity, mental health and loss of faith. Rev Fr Shijo, the Forane Youth Director, with his words of wisdom, motivated the youth to lead a life in goodness, love, forgiveness, fellowship and prayer. The Rally ended with dinner, at Amala Matha Church, Mulund.
Del Rosario Rally, organized to represent the spiritual journey that every youth of the 21st century has to embark on to keep our faith firm and brotherhood strong, was a raging success. It was yet another successful endeavor of the Forane Youth Council to bring together all the youth of Powai Forane in prayer and friendship.