In an interview with the Religious Information Service – SIR – the President of the Venezuelan Catholic Bishops Conference conveyed that “We demand respect for the needs of the people” in the face of a corrupt and autocratic government. Venezuelan bishops have denounced President Nicolas Maduro’s government describing it as a totalitarian system that aims to subdue its people and hang on to power indefinitely.
As reported by Vatican Radio, His Excellency Bishop Cástor Oswaldo Azuaje Pérez of Barinas remarked that “We urgently appeal to the government to tackle issues pertaining malnutrition and lack of healthcare and we call for a democratic process that foresees the participation of all citizens.” Further, His Grace added, “Our task, is to defend the lives of people and of the population, we repeat this continuously to both the government and to the opposition parties.”
The President of the Episcopal Conference highlighted the fact that the situation in the country is critical, especially from a humanitarian point of view: “there is lack of food and of medicines, the products needed for agricultural production are unavailable and the transport of goods is difficult.