In the Pastoral Letter drafted by the Bishop of Kalyan Eparchy, His Excellency Mar Thomas Elavanal, he urged the Members of the Diocese to celebrate 2nd October 2019 as the third edition of the Diocesan Environment Day. The special diocesan day was dedicatedly celebrated for the first time in 2017. Ever since, on 2nd October, various churches carry out activities that intend to help nature flourish to the best of its capacity. “Once again, let us make the forthcoming Diocesan Environment Day an occasion to show our love and commitment to our surroundings, nature and society,” said the pastoral letter.
The bishop, also extended his will to stand united and stay in solidarity with the Central Government’s ban on single-use plastic products. Therefore, the campaigns during this year included planting saplings, cleaning activities and creating awareness about the government’s plan on the ban and how we should work with it.
“I exhort you to pray for the entire universe and all its living beings, to do the activities with renewed vigor and to deepen our commitment for the protection of the environment,” mentioned His Excellency.