The annual meeting of the Western Regional Social Communication Directors was held successfully in Pune. The two-days meeting began in Shraddha Seva, Diocesan Social Work Centre, with enthusiastic participants from 14 dioceses of the western region, on 4th February and concluded on 5th February, 2019. The directors drew special attention to the emerging concern of ‘cyber crime’ in the society.
On the first day, the directors emphasized and reflected on ‘Cyber crime’. The first session was led by Mr. Harold Dcosta, the CEO of Intelligent Quotient Security System and also the President of Cyber Security Corporation. On the second day, different Arch/dioceses shared their reports regarding the work in social and pastoral communication. The focus of the report was on ‘how the Archdioceses have taken last year’s message of the Pope: The truth will set you free.’ Formulation of a pastoral plan to take the message of His Holiness Pope Francis in 2019, was also a highlight of the day.
Fr. Nigel Barrett, the Secretary of the Western Regional Social Communication Department and team led an enlightening session on ‘The Pope’s message for World Communication day 2019 and how we can take his message forward.’ His Excellency Bishop Barthol Barretto, Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay and the Commission In-charge for the Social Communication Commission of the Western Region and Fr. Nigel Barretto, led two days seminar that was concluded on 5th February.