Holy Father Pope Francis, at St.Peter’s Square, while addressing the pilgrims, conveyed the significance of contemplating the joy that the Gospel gives and also explained the worthiness of being joyful in every challenge and difficulties that a faithful face in life. His Holiness explained that true joy can only be received from the Lord Almighty and thus one should never seek joy from the worldly desires but should have faithful sight upon the Lord.
As reported by Catholic News Agency, Holy Father Pope Francis reminded that “The disciple is not the one who is deprived of something essential; He is one who has found much more: he has found the fullness of joy that only Lord can give.” Further His Holiness added, “It is the evangelical joy of healed people; of forgiven sinners; of the thief to whom is opened the door of paradise.”
Reflecting on the day’s Gospel readings which tell the parables of “hidden treasure” and the “pearl of great price”, Holy Father emphasized that the attitude of searching is the essential condition for finding. After the concluding prayer, His Holiness reminded the pilgrims about the World Day against Human Trafficking and prayed for all the victims of trafficking and for the conversion of the hearts of traffickers, calling it as an aberrant plague.
Source: www.catholicnewsagency.com