His Eminence Filipe Neri Ferrao , Archbishop of Goa and Daman, president of CCBI (Conference of Catholic Bishops of India) has proposed to all the esteemed members of the CCBI and major Superiors, to observe a day of solidarity on 28 April, Sunday which is celebrated as Divine Mercy as a day of prayer with the church and the people of Sri Lanka.
His Eminence Ferrao has suggested to pledge for closeness and solidarity for the bereaved families of the victims, of the multiple bomb blasts that took place on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka. His Eminence has asked for special dedication during the Eucharist celebration to the prayer of the faithful, to include the departed souls, to the injured and the affected families, who are plunged in grief and pain due to the senseless attacks. His Eminence urges us to spend time before the Eucharistic Risen Lord (Christ), so that the country of Sri Lanka can receive the gift of peace.
Hs Eminence Ferrao further requests to organize a candlelight prayer or procession wherever possible to draw the attention of our people to the gruesome tragedy that occurred to our neighbouring country and to pray with us for peace and harmony throughout the world.