Kalyan Media Cell, a powerful media wing of the Eparchy of Kalyan held a meeting jump-starting its third year on 2nd June 2019, Sunday – World Communication Day, at Bishop’s House, Powai, with the message, “From social network community to the human communities” from our beloved Pope Francis. Forane Heads and Animators of each Forane were present along with some of the KMC volunteers under the guidance of Fr. Franklin Joseph, the Director of Kalyan Media Cell and Fr. Jojit Kottungal – a helping hand of KMC.
Starting with prayer, the meeting included an orientation to the new members that helped them understand what the Organization does and the works and also how to give exposure at the grass root level. Discussions got underway on as to how KMC can be taken onto the next level. A great deal of ideas were presented before the members followed by them exploring more of what can be added to the goals and dream projects.
The prime topic of discussion was DioCom 2019. As KMC launches DioCom this year keeping Catholic focus at the center; it will be conducted in every parish under the guidance of Fr. Franklin, Fr. Jojit and the diocesan co-ordinator for the event Ms. Monica Jose from Vasai Forane. Dates for various events including DioCom were decided to be executed.
There was then a thorough analysis of the path to walk on, to reach the height aimed. An action plan was prepared and all the members and Foranes took up different responsibilities for the same.
With many inputs, suggestions and a wonderful output, the meeting turned out to be very fruitful. Everyone dispersed after a short prayer.
Written by Ms. Monica Jose