The Eparchy of Kalyan will prestigiously be celebrating its 30th anniversary on 1st May 2018 at St. Thomas Cathedral, Kalyan (W) from 3:30 pm onwards. The Diocese of Kalyan was formed to cater the spiritual needs of Syro Malabar Christians based in the Indian State of Maharashtra to include the metropolitan cities of Mumbai, Pune and Nasik. Its first bishop was Mar Paul Chittilapilly the current bishop is Mar Thomas Elavanal. In 2013, the eparchy has celebrated its silver jubilee.
His Grace Bishop Mar Thomas Elavanal, in his pastoral letter, conveyed that “The Diocese of Kalyan is grateful to this land of Maharashtra for accepting us here. We should be united in our efforts to bring up the future generations in faith and love. We should keep the youth in our prayers in order to protect them from the upcoming and existing challenges of persecutions.” Mar Thomas Elavanal expressed his gratitude towards each and everyone in the diocese for their support and love that they have been showering for the growth of the diocese so far.
Catholic Focus thanks the Lord Almighty for all the blessings that he has bestowed upon the diocese of Kalyan and wishes that the diocese reach millions through its services, evangelizing the word of God.