LONDON: Compared to atheists, a study has revealed that godly people are healthier. The survey was conducted by the British Office for National Statistics. The survey found that 68 percent of Christians believe they are satisfied with their own health, while 64 percent of atheists are satisfied with their health. The relationship between religious belief and health has been studied in research.
According to the report, people who are over 16 years of age without faith are more likely to be concerned about health. Experts in religious affairs say there is a link between the findings of the report and the hope of believers in the future. Michael Walklin, president of Religion Media Center, told Premier News that the reason behind the good view of Christians is a feeling of gratitude.
As he says in Psalm 139 (He created my inward parts, He made me in the womb of my mother. Psalm 139: 13) He said that if we believe we are made in the image of God, we will try to respect our bodies a little more. Michael Walklin added that the hope of eternity, which the Christian faith teaches, is also relevant.