Saint Eulalia (Evulalia) was born into an elite family in Spain. She received Christian religious education. She learned all about the virtues of godliness and mercy. From an early age, she had a spirit of piety, modesty, and compassion. She had an undying desire for the purity of virginity.

Through her serious nature, her abhorrence of luxurious clothing, and her alienation from worldly pleasures and friendships, she gave indications of living a heavenly life on earth when she was young. Before she knew it, her heart was already above the life of this world. So it was nothing for her to give pleasure to ordinary young people. She continued to grow in goodness every single day of her life.

When she was 12, the Diocletian Emperor decreed that everyone should sacrifice to the gods of her empire regardless of age, gender or occupation. While still young, Saint Eulalia regarded the order as the beginning of a war. But when her mother realized her unrelenting desire for her martyrdom, she moved to another country. But on this little holy night, before dawn, we reached Merida.

When she arrived at the courthouse the same morning, she appeared before a cruel judge, Dacian, and accused him of forcing people to abandon one God without fear or honor. The governor ordered her to be seized. At first, she tried to sing and tempt her, but after she failed, the brutal torture tools were placed before her eyes.

Angered by these rituals, the statue threw the statue to the ground and trampled it down. An act that can be forgiven for thinking of her youth, for negligence, and for fear of retribution in front of her. However, two judges on the judge’s order left only her bones tucked into her pale flesh with hooks. While confronting these oppressions, she cried out that these were Jesus’ crowning achievements.

Next, she used burning torches and burned both her breasts and both sides of her body. In spite of all this torture, she did not hear anything from her mouth other than to say thank you instead of groaning and moaning. Gradually, the fire consumed her hair and then spread around her head and face. Her face or head could not be seen by the fire and smoke.

According to history, a white dove came out of her mouth, blew her wings and flew upwards when she died. The scribes, frightened by the sight, fled, leaving the body of the saint there. The remains of this saint are very respectfully preserved in Oviedo. This saint is regarded by Ovido as its medieval saint. The name of this saint is mentioned in the Roman martyr’s name on 10 December.


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