St. Joseph’s Church, Jerimeri celebrated its first decade of consecration on May 1st, 2017. The church held a eleven day long feast, from 22nd April to 2nd May, cherishing the glory of St. Joseph, who is regarded as the patron saint of workers. The festal mass was celebrated by Rev. Dr. Fr. Xavier Kanatt (Rector, Minor Seminary, Panvel) along with Rev. Fr. Jeffrin Pallithara (Vicar – Assissi Nagar & tilak Nagar).
In 2007, St. Joseph’s church was reconstructed and consecrated. Since then, every year on 1st May, the parishioners celebrate the pious feast with utmost devotion and faith. During the festal celebrations, each day was dedicated for the labourers, healing, youth, mission, family, vocation, prayer, mercy, solemn feast and forefathers respectively. On 22nd April, 2017; Rev. Fr. Franklin Pottananickal (Forane Vicar, Kalina) and Rev. Fr. Sinto Pulikkottil (Asst. Vicar, Kalina), hoisted the flag, marking the beginning of one of the most celebrated feasts of the Diocese of Kalyan. The main feast day, began at 5 pm with the solemn festal mass, followed by the litany prayer and festal procession.
The faithful also had provisions of taking the bangles of Infant Jesus, for procession before the Holy Mass on 1st May. Later, the Parish priest Rev. Fr. Binu Painumkal conveyed his gratitude to all those who were directly and indirectly connected with the feast and its celebrations. The day concluded with the eucharistic blessing and agape, wherein everyone enjoyed the fellowship and union in Christ.